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Author Title Folder Created
Giorgio Ricci India Friend Giorgio 17-Sep-2006
NASIM VAHID SHAKEELA Indian Ethnic Sarees & Beuties

When I found a group of Ladies in Attractive Sarees on the Kodaikanal Banks.

My Indian Scenes 23-Mar-2007
Arun Prabhu Indian Monitor

I was lucky to sight this giant lizard near the shrubs! Just look at the powerful claws of this 4 feet long lizard.

Also called Bengal Monitor or Varanus bengalensis by binomial name. Possibly excessive hunting and loss of habitat has pushed this species to the brink of endangered species list. ...

Common area 09-Jun-2010
Arun Prabhu Indian Palm Squirrel

Also called Funambulus palmarum by binomial name. According to Hindu folklore, Lord Rama was so pleased by the dedication of this creature that he affectionately stroked the squirrel's back with the result that the mark of the Lord's fingers are left on the species ever since!!

Common area 08-Jun-2010
Arun Prabhu Indian Palm Squirrel (2)

Also called Funambulus palmarum by binomial name. This is a three striped squirrel specifically seen in India and Sri Lanka.

Common area 02-Dec-2010
Arun Prabhu Indian Palm Squirrel (3)

A rodent no doubt - but a cute one at that! Also known Funambulus palmarum by scientific name.

Common area 10-Jan-2013
Arun Prabhu Indian Pond Heron

Also called Ardeola grayii or Paddy bird. I clicked this bird somewhere in the marshlands at Chitrapu, Karnataka, India.

Common area 27-Jan-2010
Herbert Eisengruber Indian Summer in Nova Scotia, Canada Herbert Eisengruber 05-Jan-2005
Nyal Cammack Indian Village

Another shot I took at Old Tucson Studios:

If you're going to have Cowboys you've got to have Indians!

NCammack Photos 11-Oct-2011
I am Hokuto Indistinct (Green) Hokuto 04-Sep-2007