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Bruce Thomas In the woods, on a path...

Olympus Digicam + R72 IR Filter + Nikon Soft #1 Filter

Bruce Thomas 12-Mar-2008
Toth Gergely in wino ... :)

test image

TG 23-Apr-2012
Pekka Nihtinen In Winter Palace

Staircase of the main entrance in Winter Palace of Saint-Petersburg. I have visited this city maybe 60 times in some 25 years but I have hardly ever had a camera with me. The city has become a bit too familiar that I havenīt bothered to photograph its charms... which of course is a completely wrong attitude because one usually takes the best photographs of those subjects that one knows well.

Common area 07-Mar-2009
Pekka Nihtinen In Winter Palace 2 Common area 07-Mar-2009
karmen orlić gr?etić in... karmen photos 14-Sep-2006
Jens Birch Incredibly Ugly Don't eat anything while viewing this ordinary House fly!

This one was taken with my C5050 using an achromatic +33 diopters close-up lens. The illumination was by optical fibers leading the light of on-board TTL flash to the subject. Shutter time=1/100 Sec, aperture=f/8.0, subject distance ~18 mm, DOF less than 1mm.

This small sensor camera can, despite its moderate aperture of f/8, produce macros with larger DOF and less softening due to diffraction than any larger sensor DSLR. Something to think about for those CX0Y0 owners who think that the 'digital grass is greener on the SLR side'...

Cheers, Jens
Jens' Macro 09-Aug-2005
Scott Law Independence Day

I actually used the built in "Fireworks" mode for this shot.

Scott Law's Images 22-Jul-2010
Katrina Adams Independence Mine

An old mining settlement that is now a State park, near Palmer, Alaska.

Alaskan Images 10-Mar-2007
Giorgio Ricci India Ajanta Cavern Giorgio 17-Sep-2006
Giorgio Ricci India Boy Giorgio 17-Sep-2006