The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Lee W In the Morning (Digitized Slide)

I was doing some experiments lately on using Olympus DSLR to digitize film slides. The result was suprisingly good. The color was definitely better than what I got from a Nikon 4000 dpi film scanner. This picture was taken with a Konica T4 camera and a 28mm lens, in Fujicolor Provia film. I used a Vivitar macro lens on an Olympus E500 DSLR body when digitizing the slide. I would like to share the result with the forum although it was not taken with an Oly camera originally.

Lee's Collections 18-Aug-2007
Gennady Protsenko In the morning... Gpfolder 21-Aug-2012
Fonzy - In The Paddock 2010 21-Apr-2010
Bruce Thomas In The Pale Of The Evening... Bruce Thomas 24-Apr-2008
Sergey Green In the Park sngreen 10-Aug-2005
Hans Koren In the park working with E 300 23-Jan-2006
Allan Cich In the park

More of my work can be seen below: Subtle Shades Photography LLC Facebook: Subtle shades photography Model Mayhem: DeviantArt:

Fashion / Glamour 18-Sep-2011
Sergey Green In the Park - 1 sngreen 14-Nov-2005
Sergey Green In the Park - 2 sngreen 14-Nov-2005
Sergio Di Giovanni In the park of Riga (Lettonia)

My daughter has shot this candid photo in a Park in Riga( Lettonia) during a tour whith a very little Oly 310Z .

Some photos 10-Aug-2005