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Author Title Folder Created
Inge Severinsen Iceberg in sunset King george Island 02-Mar-2011
Ricard Bergstr?m Icecrylstals

A macro that i later converted to b&w..

B&W 11-Oct-2004
Ricard Bergstr?m Iceformation

This is the second time in my life I?ve seen this phenomena...Moist air that has frozen to everything and built "feathers" in a specific direction....

B&W 20-Oct-2004
Andreas Hauper Icelife _01

Subtle shadows and lights, patterns of frozen water.

Hauper's folder 28-Mar-2008
Andreas Hauper IceLife _02

Frozen life waiting for the spring, clothed in crystal...

Hauper's folder 28-Mar-2008
Raimund Hagemes Ich sehe alles krebs 27-May-2010
Randall Beaudin Icicle

Wife told me I had to do a shot of this icicle,so I did! Moral..listen to your wife;-)

RanD'Art 18-Feb-2006
Adam Kozik Icicle Sunset

Here are more icicles hanging outside our western window. The sun was disappearing behind the mountain...

Natura 01-Feb-2011
Adam Kozik Icicle Tree Drops

Two drops of water simultaneously falling off of an icicle... Evergreen trees can be seen in the reflection on the water drops.

Natura 01-Feb-2011
Randall Beaudin Icy Fingers of winter

Winter still has a grip on us here in my region.

RanD'Art 05-Apr-2007