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Neil Macleod Ice Crystals

Octobers Deep freeze -10c

natur 30-Oct-2009
Neil Macleod Ice Crystals (2) natur 30-Oct-2009
Neil Macleod Ice Crystals (3) natur 03-Dec-2009
paul missall Ice Cubes Paul's World 24-Mar-2012
Mary Hammel Ice Curtain

2 days after an ice storm, there were still icicles hanging around on an iron fence at the county fairgrounds in Manhattan, Kansas.

mHammel Images 16-Dec-2007
Ricardo Rico Ice drop 1 Ricardo R. Rico 23-Feb-2006
Denny Giacobe Ice Fish

A frozen lake with the local fishing people enjoying the -3 degree weather.

DennyG 03-Feb-2013
Randall Beaudin Ice Formation # 006

found on side of recycle bin.

RanD'Art 19-Feb-2006
Randall Beaudin Ice Formation # 038 RanD'Art 18-Feb-2006
Randall Beaudin Ice Formation # 041 RanD'Art 18-Feb-2006