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Author Title Folder Created
Wim Westerhof House Sparrow (2) Birds_1 19-Dec-2009
Wim Westerhof House Sparrow (3)

Also this one I took in my backyard garden.

Birds_1 07-Aug-2011
Wim Westerhof House Sparrow (4)

Another bird from my backyard garden.

Birds_1 07-Sep-2011
Wim Westerhof House Sparrow (5)

I shot this bird in my backyard garden through the kitchen window.

Birds_1 11-Aug-2016
Fonzy - House Sparrow (Female)

The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) The female has no black on head or throat, nor a grey crown; her upperparts are streaked with brown.

My Birds 2006 21-Jan-2006
Fonzy - House Sparrow on a twig My Birds 2006 18-Mar-2006
Fonzy - House Sparrow(female)

In Memory for the house sparrow they shot last week during the world champions domino's . The sparrow run over 7000 domino blocks, so before it could do more harm to the 4.4 milion they decited to gun her down...............! A little food would had do the trick also and she was still alive....... Rest in peace little friend.......

My Birds 2005 20-Nov-2005
Wim Westerhof House Sparrow(female) Birds_1 25-Dec-2009
juliette gribnau House-Sparrow (Huismusje)

not very shy but very alert... even sparrows are endangered ( not half as much were counted the last couple of years)

Birds of the Netherlands 30-Apr-2014
manuel sousa Houses 27-Sep-2006