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Bill Hanks Hot Springs Village Golf

First attempt at Panoramic: hand held 3 shots

Bill Hanks 03-Jan-2005
dee vee Hotel cat

Marriott, Redding

Other than humans 07-Sep-2013
dee vee Hotel cat (2)

Redding Marriott

Other than humans 03-Oct-2013
Nyal Cammack Hotel Congress

Went to Second Saturday in Tucson. Never realized till now just how many neon signs there are downtown. The Hotel Congress is a somewhat renovated (think funky plumbing and rotary phones) hotel in downtown Tucson. Never stayed there but I'm thinking I might have to give it a go!

NCammack Photos 13-Mar-2012
Robert Melnyk Hotel Window

Wiindow in a very old wood structure hotel in Edmonton, Alberta.

Bob M's 23-Aug-2007
dee vee House

Bodie Ghost Town

Eastern Sierra 30-Nov-2013
dee vee House (2) Napa valley

Urban scenes 03-Dec-2013
Torbjorn Wilhelmsson House 1 Tobbes Pictures 04-Feb-2010
Pekka Nihtinen House by the Arctic Ocean

North coast of Norway byt the Arctic Ocean.

Common area 19-Sep-2014
Fonzy - House Fly My Insects 2006 18-Aug-2006