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Author Title Folder Created
Mark DeLaney Homecoming Dance

My little girl... getting ready to go to the Homecoming Dance.

Common area 17-Oct-2004
Bob Doucette Homeless Bob Doucette 28-Aug-2009
Josiah Gordon Homestead

An old ranch home near Denver.

My E-500's Adventures 06-Apr-2007
Pekka Nihtinen Homestreet in snow

Helsinki received some more snow. This is my homestreet.

Common area 10-Dec-2010
Daniel Bell HomeSweetHome Cityscapes & Cubes 01-Dec-2008
Denny Giacobe HomeSweetHome

Living room, shot with available light, 3 shots, +1,-1, 0.

DennyG 14-Feb-2009
Jens Birch Homing Hornet A hornet (Vespa crabro) approaching its nest. The doorkeeper is waiting for it and makes room for the landing.

Theese insects are endangered in Sweden due to the decreasing number of hollow oak trees in modern forrests. So, I was quite glad when we discovered that they had made a nest in an old bird nesting box high up under the roof hangout.

I made a holder for the tripod column that could hang on a ladder and then, dressed in green overall, climber's harness, net-hat, and leather gloves, I finally could take this picture after slowly having approached their nest. They were not at all aggressive but very curious. I must admit that having 10 of these beasts swarming around me sitting 10 meters up, tied with a harness half a meter from their nest made my adrenaline pumping.

Thanks for any comments that you may have.

Cheers, Jens.

I used a very powerful macro setup that I have started to like very much: Olympus E-1 with a Zuiko Digital 50-200 zoom and a Zuiko digital 1.4x teleconverter plus a Canon 500D Achromatic close-up lens. Here the zoom was set to 102 mm and the nominal aperture was f/32. However, with the 500D close-up lens these values change to 83 mm focal length and f/26.
I left the platform on the ladder for another try when the sun is out so that I can get a better background illumination. I used an FL-40 with an oversized diffusor as the light source here.

Jens' Macro 05-Sep-2006
Fonzy - Honey Suckers

Focussing on the flower a second Bumble Bee joined the first one....

My E-510 23-Jul-2007
Theo van Hest Honeybee are sunning Theo v Hest 28-Sep-2007
juliette gribnau Honeybee on flower

honeybee on flower

my macro's 17-Jun-2016