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dee vee Hikers (2)

Fossil Falls, Death Valley

Eastern Sierra 16-Nov-2013
Bruce Thomas Hiking in The BIG Country!!

E-330 Olympus 11-22mm Zuiko Lens, Above Colorado Springs, Summer of 2007

Bruce Thomas 19-Mar-2008
Bruce Thomas Hiking the Canyon...

E500 and 11-22mm, single exposure

Bruce Thomas 30-Jun-2010
fri go749 Hillclimb1 Common area 11-Oct-2009
fri go749 Hillclimb2 Common area 11-Oct-2009
fri go749 Hillclimb3 Common area 11-Oct-2009
Cristiano Pereira Alves Hills #1

I found this tree while driving in the highway that connects Leon-Oviedo (Spain), it was -9?C, I just had a pair of pictures, I was freezing. Feel free to comment. Cheers

My new photos 09-Mar-2005
Lee W Hills after Hills

This was what I saw while reading the book "Lost Horizon" on the flight towards Shangri-La.

Lee's Collections 02-Jun-2009
Ken Thomas Himalayan Balsam

Impatiens glandulifera

Highly invasive non-native species It is able to fire its seed for up to seven metres, making it very efficient at taking over an area. Especially fond of river banks and ditches, and can grow to as much as three metres in height.

Ken's Images 30-Oct-2015
Bruno Cola Himantopus himantopus Animals 26-May-2006