The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Karen Jack Here She Comes

Trying out Photomerging in Photoshop to create a Panoramic photo with little Pip supposed to be fetching the ball!

Fav Dogs 24-Dec-2007
Robert Melnyk Here They Come

Dragon Boat races are very popular here in our very large sheltered harbour. It's time to practice working those skills as a team.

Bob M's 06-Jul-2007
Randall Beaudin Here Today,Gone Tomorrow RanD'Art 04-Jan-2005
Neal Friedenthal Heritage

Original Olympus Pen-F with a selection of lenses

Olympus "e" images 17-Feb-2012
manuel sousa heron 22-Feb-2006
Bruno Nardin heron BNNature 20-Aug-2006
Bob Doucette Heron Bob Doucette 28-Nov-2007
david Swinnerton Heron Animals 19-Apr-2008
Rina Kupfer Heron Rina's 24-Apr-2008
nick pena heron

E1, Tamron 500mm mirror lens, MF-1 adapter, 2x converter

Nick P. e-500 14-May-2008