The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Alice Lemos heavenly city Documents 18-Jul-2005
Neil Macleod Heavy Cloud Season

Been having very heavy clouds this year, not much rain but lots of clouds.

Landscape_1 19-Jun-2009
Neil Macleod Heavy Clouds

Heavy Clouds over IXL forming.

Mono Landscapes 11-May-2009
Adrie Hubregtsen Heavy colors

Windmill at the Kinderdijk

Adrie-OM 06-Dec-2012
Hans Gerlich HEAVY METAL 1 H Gerlich 13-Jan-2008
Hans Gerlich HEAVY METAL 2 H Gerlich 13-Jan-2008
Hans Gerlich HEAVY METAL 3 H Gerlich 13-Jan-2008
Hans Gerlich HEAVY METAL 4 H Gerlich 14-Jan-2008
Hans Gerlich HEAVY METAL 5 H Gerlich 15-Jan-2008
Hans Gerlich HEAVY METAL 6 H Gerlich 15-Jan-2008