The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Fonzy - Hart shaped Butterfly

Strolling in my garden I found this Butterfly , after a second look I see it has the shape off a hart...

My Insects 2006 23-Aug-2006

This is taken with handheld and no flash. Farmers celebrating their harvest with dances and songs in northern Thailand.

Spencer 20-Feb-2007
Fonzy - Harvest Moon

Last night the the sky was very clear and we had a full moon so I tried to make a good shot from it.

My-Travel 17-Sep-2005
Barry Vreyens Harvest Moon Barry's 20-Sep-2008
Donald Bryant harvest squash

an arrangement of squash at a roadside fruitstand

Shapes 08-Oct-2006
Rich Campbell Harvest Sunset

Farmer is offloading grain at sunset.

Sunsets 28-Sep-2004
Denny Giacobe Harvesting Time

This was a 5 exposure HDR, a farm surrounded by tall grass, and the sky made me make this picture.

DennyG 06-Jun-2012
Dave Hall Harvey.

My son's new puppy. He went out for a pint and came back with this little fellah.

My pets. 07-Aug-2005
tod mesirow has your 5050 ever failed to power up? yes, or no? Polls 31-Oct-2004
Katrina Adams Hatcher Pass Panorama

Hatcher Pass near Palmer Alaska

Alaskan Images 06-Mar-2007