The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Greg Mennegar Amelia e-620 11-May-2011
Greg Mennegar Amelia lingerie e-620 13-May-2011
Greg Mennegar Amelia T e-620 12-Aug-2011
Greg Mennegar Amelia Talon e-620 30-Apr-2010
Karen Jack Amen

For those we've loved and lost.

Grey Heron 29-Apr-2007
dee vee America's Cup

Bay Bridge

Water scapes 16-Sep-2013
syed noman American Robin PATJHAR 09-Jun-2007
syed noman American Robin2 PATJHAR 11-Jun-2007
dee vee American sedan

Town of Campbell

Urban scenes 16-Aug-2013
Jens Birch American Wood Duck I came across this American wood duck (Aix sponsa) last time I visited the USA (May 2005).

This picture does not have the most artistic composition but it isn't any crop (just a resized full image) so I can't improve much on that. However, I think this close-up portrait shows the beauty of this bird very nicely! I can't keep it for myself anymore, so here it is, I hope you like it!

Cheers, Jens.

Jens' Wildlife 30-Dec-2005