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Author Title Folder Created
Damjan Gosak guard

guard dog on watch.

My photos - olympus 19-Jul-2009
Sinisa Demer GuardHouse MOJ 14-Feb-2005
Gerthard Crnkovic Guardian Sea and lakes 24-Aug-2008
Damjan Gosak Guardian

I was trying new lensses Cosina 28-210 with the om adapter. The light was good. I like it. What do you think?

Greetings, Damjan

My photos - olympus 20-Mar-2010
Rocco Zoric Guardian angels

In front of Zagreb Cathedral builted statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary with four angels, the work of sculptor Anton Dominik Fernkorn placed above the fountain from Bolle 1873rd years.

Croatia 02-Sep-2010
Mike Babson Guarding the Bridge MikeB pictures 29-Mar-2007
Mike Babson Guarding the Bridge II

As before, but in B&W as suggested. I increased gamma, and sharpened it more to pick out the edges better. Thanks for the idea Leon.

MikeB pictures 30-Mar-2007
Ricardo Rico guards Ricardo R. Rico 16-Jan-2006
Pedro Afonso Gueixa

This is a photo for a contest!

Pedro Afonso & E500 06-Apr-2006
Sinisa Demer Guess MOJ 07-Jun-2005