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Author Title Folder Created
Camilo Carrillo Green Fruit

These are a set of little green fruit on tree.

KMI_PHOTO 14-Jun-2005
Randall Beaudin Green Gothic

Another miniature set. This one based on another American painting.

RanD'Art 22-Mar-2006
Rina Kupfer Green Ground

At the Laval Nature Center

Rina's 17-Nov-2007
Barry Vreyens Green Heron

I used the Olympus EC-20 teleconverter with my sigma 135/400mm

Barry's 10-Jun-2008
Fonzy - Green Iguana (Iguana iguana)

A close - up from this dragon like animal

My-Animals 05-Feb-2007
Kim Willer Green II Kim's photo 06-Aug-2007
Gyorgy Decsi green leaves George's photos 09-May-2008
Pekka Nihtinen Green Lizard

Another high ISO shot from Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, although this green fellow does not live in ocean but somewhere in subtropical parts of China. Again I had to use high ISO (1250) and shoot through a window glass which luckily was a clean one.

Common area 19-Jul-2009
David Shayani Green Pepper Tree

I loved tree's as a kid and still do.

David's Photography 14-Jan-2006
Rina Kupfer Green Reflection Rina's 30-Nov-2007