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Author Title Folder Created
Hans Gerlich Great Cormorant (2) H Gerlich 26-Dec-2010
Fonzy - Great Cormorant (Aalscholver) Today I went back to the place where I had seen this birds before.....
This time I used my Sigma 400mm lens plus 1.4 teleconverter.....
Distance to the birds about 100 meters....

My Birds 2005 23-Sep-2005
Fonzy - Great Cormorant (Aalscholver) (2) Those Cormorant's where waiting together to go fishing again.
My Birds 2005 24-Sep-2005
Fonzy - Great Cormorant (Aalscholver) (3) After fishing the wings have to dry
My Birds 2005 24-Sep-2005
Fonzy - Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)

For the Dutch viewer Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)= Aalscholver.

Walking close to the river there is a small inlet, they created a artificial dam ...... There I found these mating Cormorant's.... I was about 100 meters away from them , could not go any closer......So this was the best shot I could make?

My Birds 2005 21-Sep-2005
Fonzy - Great crested grebe

Fuut in Dutch

My Birds 2005 24-Sep-2005
Hans Gerlich Great Crested Grebe H Gerlich 02-May-2008
Fonzy - Great Crested Grebe (2) My E-510 31-Jul-2007
Fonzy - Great Crested Grebe (3) My E-510 31-Jul-2007
Fonzy - Great Crested Grebe (4) E-3 2008 15-May-2008