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Pekka Nihtinen Golden Buddha Summit 2 Common area 19-Nov-2012
Pekka Nihtinen Golden Buddha Summit 3

Mount Emei in the most rainy place in China and its annual rainfall ranks among the highest in whole Asia. On most days the 3000m high summit is shrouded by mist and fog. I guess I have been blesses by the Buddha or whatever because also on my previous visit 5 years ago the weather was also fine.

Common area 19-Nov-2012
Torvald Bie Golden Calm

Quiet evening on the fjord just north of the Arctic Circle. The light was fantastic.

North of the Arctic Circle 19-Jul-2005
Fonzy - Golden Carp

I was very surprised when I noticed this Golden Carp Fish in the stream that runs behind our house..

My Macro 2006 26-Jul-2005
Fonzy - Golden Checkmate

On a rainy day you start to make pictures from anything.....

My-Miscellaneous 06-Aug-2005
Lee W Golden Creek Lee's Collections 07-Jul-2007
Bruno Nardin golden dragonfly BNMacro 06-Aug-2006
Chris Galbraith Golden Eagle head

Close up of Gold Eagle -- Lots of detail

Uploads 05-Jan-2009
Ben Poulter Golden Escape

Glenn Coe, Scotland

Portfolio Works 30-Aug-2006
Ian Reed Golden Eye

I spotted this little fella hopping around as we were out on a walk, I was amazed by the gold colour of his eye.

Close Ups 28-Mar-2006