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Ian Reed Gatekeeper (Pyronia Tithonus)

This is a Gatekeeper (Pyronia Tithonus) butterfly I saw while I was walking on Anglesey in North Wales.

Close Ups 23-Feb-2006
Bruce Thomas Gateway Rock II, Colorado Springs


Bruce Thomas 03-Jun-2008
Bruce Thomas Gateway Rock, Colorado Springs

Olympus C-8080WZ has such PERFECT Auto White Balance...that it's amazing. I cannot get a clean white balace like this out of the Olympus E-420..

Bruce Thomas 03-Jun-2008
Lee W Gatherer Lee's Collections 11-Jun-2009
Rina Kupfer Gatineau Air ballon Festival Rina's 03-Sep-2008
Rina Kupfer Gatineau Air Ballon Festival (2) Rina's 03-Sep-2008
Leon Plympton Gator Hole

I took another walk through Paynes Prairie into the wilderness area that is home for a couple hundred or so alligators - ranging from 4+ to 8+ feet (~1.5-2.5 meters) in size. Ambient temperature was in the low seventies (F) which meant the gators weren't extremely active. This specimen is ~ 6+ feet (~2 meters) in length.

Common area 08-Mar-2007
Leon Plympton Gator Hole (2)

This second specimen of an American alligator is significantly larger than the first in this series. It's only about a foot longer but much heavier, and quite likely much older.

Common area 08-Mar-2007
Leon Plympton Gator Hole (3)

This is the third (and last) gator in this series shot during my recent walk in the wilderness known as Paynes Prairie. This gator is also the smallest of the bunch, only ~4-1/2 feet in length.

This small specimen swam under the water lilies and then burst out of the water and onto the bank to enjoy his lunch - away from the larger gators who wouldn't have thought twice about grabbing a fee lunch.

Common area 08-Mar-2007
Leon Plympton GATOR HOLE (4)

I got back out to Paynes Prairie today. The water level is dropping rapidly. Generally speaking when the water supply decreases the gators become more and more concentrated, which makes sense; they all need water.

Just the same as the water decreases so does their usual food source - fish and turtles. Of course (high water level or low) a lot of deer, raccoons, opossum, dogs and the like find themselves in harm's way by just taking a drink in what looks like peaceful water.

During serious drought, when the gator holes actually begin to dry up, gators hike (the small ones first) - in pursuit of water. I once saw one crossing a two-lane black-top in the afternoon more than a mile from water, and on one occasion found one in a gopher tortoise hole seeking refuge from the summer's noon-day sun. Of course he might have been looking for a snack as well - more than a half mile from the closest water, which was the Suwanee River.


Common area 04-Apr-2007