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Denny Giacobe Fun Shot

Was playing with some studio lighting and came up with this.

DennyG 27-Dec-2007
Mike Babson Fun with Fungi

I thought I would perk up the Plearotus pulmonarius. Split the picture to RGB, and used the R to make a mask. Then recombined, using the R for the blue, and blank frames for R and G, to make a blue picture. After deleting all black to leave just blue fungi, I merged the new picture as a layer in the original. I use Paint Shop Pro.

MikeB pictures 26-Dec-2006
Waldemar Ozminkowski Fun with plane

Playing with some filters in software

The rest 06-Jul-2012
Karen Jack Fun, Fun, Fun!

I sat and waited at the bottom of the slide for my Nephew, Andrew to appear. I love the look of pure joy on his face.

Persons 07-Sep-2007
Fonzy - FUNGES ?

I realy dont know what this is , could be Funges or Mushrooms. The colours I liked thats wy I took this picture....

My Macro 2006 30-Jun-2005
Ricard Bergstr?m Fungi

Sepia picture direkt from my cam..

B&W 27-Sep-2004
Dave Hall Fungi Family Odd shots 19-Oct-2006
kirsty bushell fungus Common area 30-Oct-2006
Inge Severinsen Fur seal

Fur Seal at King George IS

King george Island 25-Feb-2011
Olav Agnar Frogner Fur Seal

There are eight species of southern fur seals, all smaller than their northern relative. They include the Guadalupe fur seal of Baja California, the South African fur seal, the South American fur seal, and the Australian fur seal.

Fur seals have sharp eyesight and keen hearing. They have small ears, unlike the earless or hair seals.

Although they breathe air, seals are most at home in the water and may stay at sea for weeks at a time eating fish, squid, birds, and tiny shrimp-like krill. Fur seals may swim by themselves or gather in small groups.

When breeding season arrives, however, these social animals gather on shore in very large numbers. Powerful males, known as bulls, establish territories and gather harems of up to 40 females, battling their rivals to establish dominance. During this season, coastlines are filled with roaring, growling, honking seals.

Female fur seals, or cows, give birth during this breeding season, then mate again just a few days later. The following year they will return to give birth to a single pup after a nearly yearlong pregnancy, and mate once again to continue the cycle.

Many fur seal populations have not rebounded from extensive hunting, and now face additional threats from climate change and overfishing, which can limit their prey.

Antarctica 2012 28-Mar-2012