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Mary Hammel Freeze Frame

Beautiful morning after the ice storm...

mHammel Images 22-Dec-2007
Udo Altmann Freezing Frost, Ice, Snow 26-Dec-2005
Natasha SS Freezing Rain1

Last Friday Montreal area suffered from a badly ice storm. We were without electricity for 25 hours!! 8(

OlympusLover NSS 04-Dec-2006
Natasha SS Freezing Rain2 OlympusLover NSS 04-Dec-2006
Udo Altmann Freiburg (Germany) - Lane

Freiburg is (not only) famous for its rills in streets and lanes.

Miscellaneous 15-Nov-2005
Udo Altmann Freiburg Cathedral

A slight unusual view on the cathedral of Freiburg (Germany).

Miscellaneous 16-Sep-2005
Ingrid Matschke Fremantle fireworks

This shot was taken using scene mode (to see if it really worked) with a 4 sec exposure and the camera was hand held. I was in Fremantle (WA) for Australia day and a hot windy night which helped contribute to the trail of sparks from the launch to the explosion.

Ingrid Matschke 18-Feb-2007
Christopher Manison French Facades

I liked the repetition in the facade leading down to the monument. The foreground reminds me a little of the Abbey Road cover. This was in Paris, and I'm told that it's the Place Vendome, many thanks to dee vee for that .....

Show 19-Jan-2007
Kevin Dude French Hill Falls, Naples, New York

The top of French Hill Falls, Grimes Glen, Naples New York

My E500 Landscapes 29-Sep-2008
Fonzy - Fresh blossom for the Chaffinch Blossom is starting to come out on three's and these bird's like to nibble on it... My Birds 2006 27-Mar-2006