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Author Title Folder Created
fri go749 Fountain Common area 17-Jul-2006
Hans Gerlich Fountain H Gerlich 27-Jul-2006
Fonzy - Fountain

A fountain located in the pond of Chateau de Fontainebleau

My-Travel 29-Jul-2007
Christopher Ashworth Fountain

A fountain at the indoor garden in Niagara Falls, Canada.

Common area 17-Feb-2008
manuel sousa Fountain 31-May-2008
salvador atance fountain - 1

ISO 800 1/3250 s

salv&e500 22-Nov-2007
Christopher Ashworth Fountain 2

I could not decide which I liked better you tell me...

Common area 17-Feb-2008
Carlos Armas fountain at night

a fountain at my working place. I can assure you the place is pretear than the photo, nevertheless...

E410-casa 28-Nov-2007
Hans Gerlich Fountain Detail H Gerlich 27-Jul-2006
Robert Welsh FountainJake

Our son trying to get as close to the fountains at Bellagio as he can.

Common area 27-Dec-2004