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Author Title Folder Created
Lee W Forests Lee's Collections 30-Mar-2008
Kevin Dude Forget Me Nots

I'm told these are called forget me nots. These were in the Ellwanger Gardens in Rochester, NY that I visited this past weekend.

I used an Olympus OM 135mm f3.5 with extension tubes. These are very small blossoms and it was hard to get a non blurry picture. The wind blew these around quite easily.


I took about 30 shots before I got one that I could show.

That is pollen sprinkled on the petals.

My Flowershots 15-May-2008
Scott Peden Forget-me-not

To all those who've gone before us.

Scott Peden 18-Jul-2014
Pekka Nihtinen Forgotten house

This old farmhouse in South-East Finland about 2km from Russian border once belonged to a distant relative of mine. Now the whole farm with its buildings has been abandoned some 30 years or so.

Common area 18-Jul-2006
Udo Altmann Former Brewery Schwäbisch Hall 12-Aug-2005
Kim Willer Forms Kim's photo 18-Mar-2006
Ken Thomas Forsythia Ken's Images 21-Nov-2012
David Burrows Fort George David's pics 27-Sep-2006
George Zimmerman Fort Macon, NC Courtyard

This was the CENTER of all activity at Fort Macon, NC during its period of use in various wars. This fort is sunken into the ground so that enemy forces coming to the North Carolina shore by sea could not see it. This fort was originally constructed by the Confederate Army during the Civil War.

Photos From Ittysworld 27-Sep-2004
fri go749 Fort St Angelo - Malta Common area 01-Sep-2005