The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Joyce Madden Fog reflection

Glacier National Park, Montana USA

Jpatm 16-Aug-2010
Denny Giacobe Fog Valley

A valley of fog off a main road.

DennyG 31-Jan-2013
H T Foggy Images 24-Jan-2005
Lee W Foggy Lee's Collections 14-May-2006
Steve Elliott Foggy Bottom

I live in the bottom of this valley and woke to heavy fog and a keen frost, a short drive later and I was rewarded with this view looking down the Hope Valley in Derbyshire

Steve Elliott 25-Nov-2005
Andrew Mclean foggy church

this photo was taken at around 2pm on a foggy sunday afternoon

starting out 27-Mar-2006
Bob Doucette Foggy Day at Kettle Cove Bob Doucette 07-Jan-2005
Randall Beaudin Foggy Forest RanD'Art 05-Oct-2006
Dietrich Gloger Foggy morning

A foggy morning in Lobau - Vienna

Didl's Oly C-7070 pics 24-Oct-2006
Lee W Foggy Pond Lee's Collections 06-Sep-2008