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Ken Thomas Fly at Rest

Non-SWD 50-200mm with EX-25 and MMF-3 Cropped from 4608 x 3456 to 2395 x 25121 before resizing for web.

Ken's Images 10-Jun-2015
Agus Susanto Fly Away E-410 photos 29-Dec-2009
Leon Plympton Fly By - 1

Paynes Prairie - FL:

An eco-system south of Gainesville, Florida, spanning an area running east to west across a stretch of US 441 & US I-75, Paynes Prairie supports a wide variety of wildlife, including migratory birds, such as these sandhill cranes, and more sedentary life forms like the rattlers and gators.

Regrettably, these birds did not buzz me; they never got closer than a couple hundred yards or more away. These images have been cropped and re-sized.

In a few weeks the cranes will be long gone, heading north to their summer breeding grounds where the weather is fickle and the temperatures are more chilling than winters in sunny Florida.

Common area 06-Mar-2007
Leon Plympton Fly By - 2 Common area 06-Mar-2007
Leon Plympton Fly By - 3

In this series the (40-150mm) lens was stretched to its limit. It was a breezy day with a bright sun, blue skies and just a few small scattered clouds.

The cranes never did get very close, and with the gusty winds it was rather difficult keeping them in the center of the viewfinder; unfortunately, when the birds ended up outside the center of the frame the AF would wander and generally lock up; occasionally, with some finessing of the FBW focusing ring and some luck I was able to get a green light for another instant and another quick shot.

At the end of the day I yearned for a longer lens and a faster, more accurate, focusing system, and now, it seems, Olympus has delivered several new lenses, including the new 50-200mm zoom; that sure would have been nice this past weekend. Oh, and the new 2-power tele-extender; that would have been real nice to have this past weekend; yeah, it would.

Common area 06-Mar-2007
Fonzy - Fly close up

First attemp: A close-up from a Fly taken with E-300/50mm macro plus a 50mm reversed lens.

My Macro 2006 15-Jul-2005
Fonzy - Fly close-up

First shot with my new Sigma APO MACRO 150mm F2.8 EX DG

My Insects 2006 30-Nov-2006
Fredrik FW Fly II

Macro of flower and fly in afternoon sun light

Fredrik FW 24-Nov-2009
Geoff Yale fly in the middle Common area 22-Jun-2005
Dirk Guttmann FLY on a BIC ball pen Macros dirk 08-Jul-2005