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Author Title Folder Created
fri go749 Florence Tower Common area 28-Aug-2005
Frank Carbone Florida Clouds E-1 Pictures 06-Sep-2008
Joe Saladino Florida gopher tortoise

I interupted this Florida gopher tortoise while he was munching on grass. He was too low to use my tripod, so I pressed the camera firmly to the ground in order eliminate vibration and obtain the sharpest focus. After I finished taking this macro, the tortoise commenced to finishing his lawn salad as if I had never been there.

Critters 27-Apr-2007
Leon Plympton Florida Softshell Turtle (Trionyx ferox)

I nearly stumbled over this large female softshell turtle earlier today while trekking through Paynes Prairie. Male softshell turtles, which are quite a bit smaller, are rarely (if ever) seen out of the water in the wild, and about the only time you'll see a female softshell turtle out of water is when she is laying eggs - which is what this specimen is doing.

This photograph doesn't show just how overgrown with vegetation the ground here is, but rest assured it is filled with intertwined roots, making the task of digging a hole for egg laying extremely difficult. Making matters worse was the ambient temperature (92 degrees - Fahrenheit). This female was huffing and puffing while she toiled in the sun. She was clearly spooked by my arrival at this rather delicate time, so I only stayed long enough to take a few photos.

Common area 08-Jul-2007
Leon Plympton Florida Softshell Turtle (Trionyx ferox) - II

Lake Alice - UF Campus

Here's another softshell turtle, up close and personal; they tend to avoid us in the wild but here they've grown accustomed to us bi-pedal critters; they're much more concerned about the alligators in the lake.

Trionyx ferox almost never leaves the water; in fact rarely will it stick its entire head out of the water. This photo shows what folks generally see - the nostrils and eyes.

Common area 29-Jul-2007
Fonzy - Flossing Giraf

Anybody can help me floss

My-Animals 05-Sep-2005
Ulrich Hoermeyer Flotsam

Flotsam at Fuerteventura

Photos 02-Feb-2017
Ben Poulter Flow

The waters of the thunderous Strid join

Olympus E-1 20-Feb-2006
Lee W Flow Lee's Collections 26-Mar-2006
Lee W Flow of Clouds Lee's Collections 12-Apr-2008