The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Kerland Elder Flamingoes rasputtin 15-Jun-2005
Louis Fry Flamingos#1 San Antonio Zoo 21-Apr-2012
Val Bridge Flexible Vals Random Images 09-Nov-2008
Esben Lee Flie Pictures 09-Jun-2009
syed noman FLIGHT PATJHAR 09-Oct-2006
Edward Snow Flight

A great sunset with clouds to the West of the City. I live near the flight path with views over the harbor to the City. In this case I just keep firing as the plane lifts off and chose the best shots.

Photos 05-Sep-2008
Pekka Nihtinen Flight AY056 over Mongolia

Finnairīs Airbus leaving carbon footprint over 10 000 meters above west Mongolian deserts somewhere between Lanzhou and Novosbirsk final destination being Helsinki.

Common area 02-Dec-2012
dee vee Flight of the crow

Fort Funston

The Bay Area 17-Oct-2013
dee vee Flight of the pelican

Natural Bridge, Santa Cruz

The Bay Area 17-Sep-2013
dee vee Flight of the seagull

Bodega bay

Creatures like you and I 11-Dec-2013