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Author Title Folder Created
paul missall first Snow Paul's World 23-Dec-2012
Rina Kupfer First Snow Rina's 07-Dec-2007
Pekka Nihtinen First snow

We enjoyed shortly some snow last weekend, but it disappeared quickly. Winter made its first tentative attack and withdrawed. Autumn continues... hopefully it doesnīt linger till mid-January as happened last year.

Common area 09-Nov-2007
Rina Kupfer First snow (2) Rina's 27-Dec-2012
Donald Bryant first snow (day)

first snowfall in our town

Effects 03-Nov-2006
Donald Bryant first snow (night)

5 shot HDR of the first snowfall in our town

Effects 03-Nov-2006
Pekka Nihtinen First Snow 1

It started snowing already at night. It snowed the whole day. And when I left work it was still snowing. I shot this street scene after work on my way home.

Common area 01-Dec-2012
Pekka Nihtinen First Snow 2

Street scene from Helsinki near my office. Had a longer lunch break than usually and went walking outside with camera like always when weather gets interesting.

Common area 01-Dec-2012
Pekka Nihtinen First Snow 3

First decent snow storm this winter in Helsinki.

Common area 01-Dec-2012
Pekka Nihtinen First Snow in Helsinki

Early morning after winterīs first proper snowfall... but from last year. Who knows when winter begins this year here on the sounthern coast of Finland. Two years ago it didnīt begin at all (first time ever in history of reliable meteorological records) but last year it was quite OK... not as snowy and cold at all as those wonderful classic Finnish winters of my childhood but almost bearable. At least palms and coral reefs are not yet growing here.

Common area 15-Nov-2009