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Bob Fordice Fire Watch

Blowing clouds take the shape of the mountain top.

RDF 31-Jul-2012
Sinisa Demer Fire,Beer... MOJ 11-Dec-2006
Henry Ekholm Firebrat

You really should stop smoking. Firebrat (Thermobia domestica). Body size 15mm. Likes hot places. Lappeenranta Finland.

Insects 06-Jan-2005
Dan Hottenroth Firecracker Dahlia DannyH 07-Nov-2009
Sergio Di Giovanni Firefall

during a feast in my town

Some photos 09-Dec-2006
Dave Hamlin Firemans Weathervane

This weathervane on the firehouse in Hallowell, Maine was stolen from the rooftop at night a few years ago. If you can believe it is roughly 8 feet long and 8 feet high. It was eventually found in an antique store in Mass. I do not know what the weight of it could be, but getting it off a 2 1/2 story building must have been a chore.

0- Maine, USA by Dave Hamlin 24-Dec-2007
fri go749 Firenze - Italy Common area 14-Sep-2005
Bob Doucette Firewood Bob Doucette 18-Feb-2007
fri go749 Fireworks Common area 03-Jun-2006
kirsty bushell fireworks Common area 04-Nov-2006