The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Udo Altmann Figures in Sycamore Grove

These are figures on a spring in sycamore grove. For lower part see
Art nouveau in Darmstadt (Mathildenh?he) 11-Oct-2005
Randall Beaudin Figurine

This is one of my shots from a couple of years back. Came across it while sorting files, and wanted to share this charmer with you.He is approx: 1" high. Added grain.

RanD'Art 12-Nov-2006
Dave Hall Filbert

Filbert nut.

Close up & macro 28-Sep-2016
Kim Willer Filip.. Kim's photo 12-May-2006
Bruce Thomas Filling Giant Balloons

Filling Giant envelopes with Hot Air...this AM in Colorado Springs. Full digital zoom used on the C-7070 some noise is present but reduce air and it no longer looks sharp. Processed in Adobe PS CS2 - new "Smart Sharpen" tool works well but has a delicate control knob...

Bruce Thomas 05-Sep-2005
Filper Mayo 08-Jul-2006
Al Lewis Final Approach Alcal 05-Nov-2004
Alex 8312 Final Sunrise on Yangtze for 2004

Sunrise over Yangtze 31 Dec 2004

Some photos 08-Jan-2005
Fonzy - Finally snow has arrived.... Very surprised we woke up this morning and the whole world was white.
Finally snow has arrived , this Dove landed save on the snowy twig??
My Birds 2006 03-Mar-2006
Fonzy - Finch This little Finch is sitting in front of a very colourful plant.
This plant is loaded with red berry's and green/white spotted leaves.
Therefore I changed the background to black to make it more serene and let the bird come more forward.
My Birds 2006 12-Mar-2006