The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Denny Giacobe Family Chat

Spent the day at Daughter & Son-in-law's home for Easter dinner. My Daughter took a walk with her Grandfather and had a little chat about the world.

DennyG 01-Apr-2013
kirsty bushell family friends Common area 30-Dec-2006
Rina Kupfer Family get away Rina's 10-Jun-2008
Robert Melnyk Family Home (2)

Was occupied not many years ago... about 150 years old.

Bob M's 10-Oct-2007
Ricardo Rico Family portrait

Approximately one year ago, my friends asked to me, if I could take a family picture with their "newcomer". They wanted something like old studio picture. Then, I should improvise something at home.

Ricardo R. Rico 21-Aug-2007
Ricardo Rico Family portrait 2 Ricardo R. Rico 31-Aug-2007
Ray and Wendy Photography Fan

I just happened to look up from what I was shooting...

Ray+Wendy 18-Mar-2009
Randall Beaudin Fan 1 RanD'Art 04-Jun-2005
Randall Beaudin Fan 2 RanD'Art 04-Jun-2005
Filaretos Doukas Fanaria 1PicsFromGreece 21-Feb-2011