The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Igal Kerbes faces Documents 12-Nov-2005
Antonio R. Migrontes Factor Migrontes E-500 27-Aug-2007
Udo Altmann Factory Baenninger Miscellaneous 23-May-2005
syed noman Fading Winter PATJHAR 11-Mar-2007
Nyal Cammack Faeries

Ran across this sign at the Arizona Renaissance Fair last weekend. It was just hanging on a wooden fence all by itself so I'm not exactly sure what it was about or just who it was meant for.

NCammack Photos 02-Apr-2012
Steve Elliott Fair Brook

Fair Brook winds its way down from the moors on Kinder into the river Ashop in the Peak District Derbyshire. Polarizing filter + Graduated ND filter used to allow longer shutter speed and balance sky to landscape.

Steve Elliott 09-Sep-2006
Bill Hanks Fair Colors

Random pic, vivid colors at "The Fair"

Bill Hanks 19-Oct-2004
Nyal Cammack Fair Food 1

Where but at the fair can you find such culinary treats?

Sign on a window in a concession trailer, Pima County Fair, Tucson, AZ.

Not a fantastic shot but I felt the need to share the message!

NCammack Photos 23-Apr-2012
Nyal Cammack Fair Food 2

Another gastronomical delight only to be seen at the fair.

When you look at this remember that it's a fairly solid brick of deep fried potato, approximately the size of a loaf pan! Add the chili and cheese and you've got heartburn fit for a King or Queen!

NCammack Photos 23-Apr-2012
Bill Hanks Fair Park Ride Bill Hanks 21-Dec-2004