The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Piero Magnani Exiting the Church Common area 12-Sep-2005
Dave Hall Exotic bird

Took this at Tropical birdlands in Desford, Leicestershire but don't know what kind of bird.

Dave Hall's bird photographs. 03-Sep-2005
Sergey Green Experimenting with panorama

It was one of those evenings - I photoshoped two images together. Added all kinds of masks, color and tone balancing per channel, exposure, filtering, etc. I guess one will now need a very big monitor to see it all at once. Left some noise in the sky, ah, I am tired now. It was a good exercise. - Sergey

sngreen 15-Jan-2006
Sinisa Demer Explode MOJ 04-Feb-2007
Neal Friedenthal Exploring

our new puppy, Gunner, exploring the yard

Olympus "e" images 31-Oct-2013
Igal Kerbes explosion Documents 15-Sep-2006
Scott Law Explosion Scott Law's Images 23-Jul-2010
John Hafenecker Explosion of B&W Common area 09-Feb-2005
Jim Padget Explosive water

Detail of the ripping, roaring, raging water at Barron Falls.

J & J-A's photos 05-Apr-2012
Christopher Ashworth Expo 67

A scan of Expo 67 from film, but I thought Shany would like to to see Expo in it's hay day.


Common area 14-Dec-2007