The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Dave Hall Evan David's people photographs. 06-Aug-2012
Lee W Evening at Charles Bridge

The most famous landmark in Prague, Czech Republic. It was built in 1357. The stone bridge is 516 meters long and 9.5 meters wide.

Lee's Collections 12-Sep-2006
Dave Hall Evening at Tobermory Harbour

Came out of a restaurant in Tobermory and was greeted by this amazing light.

David's landscapes. 07-Jul-2011
Bruce Thomas Evening Blue

Evening Blue - after the sun was almost completely down a little hint of orange graced the scene....yea or yawn? Thanks for Looking...

Bruce Thomas 06-Aug-2005
Pekka Nihtinen Evening by Lake Saimaa

Took a tent and borrowed a canoe from my old friend and went camping on an island in Lake Saimaa - the fifth largest lake system in Europe. My dad took me often here fishing with him when I was small. Later I used to come with my brother. Both have passed away. And I havenīt lived here for almost 30 years and donīt belong to this place anymore. But if I am not part of this place anymore, the place has become a part of me. Later after this shot it started raining and it was fun to lie in a tent and listen to wind, waves, rain and night birds.

Common area 02-Jun-2013
Bruce Thomas Evening Cloud Scape

Nice Surprise on the way home from work....

Bruce Thomas 27-Jul-2005
Bruce Thomas Evening Glow

After another storm - we were out to get lightning pics - no luck! But the storm suddenly cleared and we got this instead...

Bruce Thomas 02-Aug-2005
Herbert Eisengruber Evening in Campeche Herbert Eisengruber 25-Apr-2005
Evening in LA Photos 23-Jul-2006
Sergio Di Giovanni Evening landscape Some photos 13-Sep-2005