The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Mitch R. Eat at Joes Miscellanious Images 10-May-2009
Dave Hall Eating melon. My pets. 06-Jan-2005
Arun Prabhu Eating out of her hands!

Jungle Babbler or Turdoides striata by scientific name. At Sariska, Rajasthan - India.

Common area 25-Nov-2010
Christopher Ashworth Ebby the Gecko

My son brought the class pet home for the weekend, oh joy.

It's macro time!

Common area 15-Oct-2005
Christopher Ashworth Ebby the Gecko attacks!

My son has a leopard Gecko in his shcoll room class.

He is the coolest little fellow.

Common area 18-Oct-2005
Randall Beaudin Echinacea RanD'Art 11-Jul-2008
Neil Macleod Echo Dale Park


natur 16-May-2009
Bruno Nardin Eclipse BNNature 04-Mar-2007
Fonzy - Eclipse from yesterday

Yesterday we had an Eclipse at 13:00 hours ( 1:00 PM) we in the Netherlands could see this , just a bite out of the sun when the moon was passing by. In Turkey and further south you could see the full eclipse. This picture was made with two layers of black glass in front of the lens to protect my eye's and sensor.

My-Travel 31-Mar-2006
Pawel Favre Eden Project Nore 06-Feb-2006