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Fonzy - DragonFly (9) Because my good internet friend SERGEY GREEN pushed me to make a better shot from the Dragonfly, I went out today with my tripod and very motivated...
After a short walk I noticed a beautiful Dragonfly that was sitting on a flower... Took a few shots from it and went home to see the result....

I must say SERGEY was right in pushing me because this image is the best I ever made..

Thanks SERGEY for motivating me in your comments and stimulate me in trying to do better.....:-)
The result is there I think , doing better than this is IMO not possible......
My Insects 2006 04-Jul-2006
Hans Gerlich Dragonfly (Lib?llula depr?ssa) H Gerlich 04-Jul-2006
Sergey Green Dragonfly - 2

One more for the light - Sergey

sngreen 04-Jul-2006
Sergey Green Dragonfly --

I wonder if he sees me ... - Sergey

sngreen 03-Sep-2006
Dave Hall Dragonfly 1 Dave Hall's insect photos 18-Aug-2005
Jens Birch Dragonfly Anno 2006 OK folks - it's August and everybody are shooting dragonflies again!

Here is my contribution for the 'In-flight' category. (Sorry don't know the species - maybe an Aeschna juncea ?)

I took it with the ZD ED 50-200 + EC-14 at full zoom + FL-40 set to -2 2/3 EV.

I never liked the shortest sync shutter speed of 1/160 when using the FL-40 but in this case, it turned out quite nice for the wing-beats - I think.
Pre-focusing at the anticipated distance helped the AF do it's thing when the dragonfly came close enough.

Cheers, Jens.

Jens' Macro 07-Aug-2006
I am Hokuto Dragonfly at Arm's Length

Dragonfly (type unknown) taken at arm's length while keeping the head centered in the E-300's viewfinder.

Hokuto 08-Jul-2007
Fonzy - DragonFly close-up study

Setup E-300-OM 4/3 adapter-macroconverter-OM50mm 1.4-Flash FL50

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 25-Aug-2005
Fonzy - DragonFly close-up study (2)

DragonFly close-up : Setup: E-300 - EX25 extension ring - ZD50mm 2.0 macrolens - Flash FL50

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 25-Aug-2005
Eben Gay Dragonfly detail

1:1 crop from previous dragonfly photo. 1.8 meter minimum focus distance. No processing applied. f/8 to get a bit of depth of field (f/4 is the width of a small ant at minimum focal distance!). This is not a macro lens, but it is very close - when very far away from the subject!

Photos 01-Jun-2016