The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Rina Kupfer Downtown Montreal Rina's 14-Nov-2007
Alfred Molon Downtown Munich Alfred Molon 27-Jun-2005
Bijan Falsafi Downtrodden flowers Various 13-Apr-2009
Randall Beaudin Dr.V @ Twin Arrows Trading Post,Arizona

Abandoned trading post on Old Route 66 between Flagstaff and Meteor Crater, Arizona

RanD'Art 16-Jan-2005
Randall Beaudin Dr.V. @ The Chelsea Hotel

This is a montage that was done for her web site. I wanted it to have a Pop Art feel to it as after all this was a hang out of Andy Warhol! Again from 2004 files.

RanD'Art 05-Feb-2007
Randall Beaudin Dr.V. in New York

Again from 2004 files.

RanD'Art 05-Feb-2007
Randall Beaudin Dr.V. on Sunset Blvd.Hollywood.CA

One of many shots taken in Hollywood with Dr.V.

RanD'Art 27-May-2005
Randall Beaudin Dr.V. poolside in Hollywood

Another shot of Dr.V. These were shot last month on our trip to Hollywood for her web site.

RanD'Art 29-May-2005
Alexander koenders Draculla

This Flying dog (bat species) looked a little bit like the famous Vampire.

Wildlife photography 01-Aug-2011
Bob Doucette Drag Racer Bob Doucette 20-Feb-2005