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Author Title Folder Created
Bruce Thomas Distance Compression in Infrared

A street near where I live. The mountain that looks so close in the background is Cheyenne Mountain. It looks like it's very close, but it is actually 8 miles to the south! This was also a very hazy day, the 950nm IR cut filter sees right through atmospheric haze. Taken with the Olympus C-2100UZ at 380mm (35mm equiv).

Bruce Thomas 03-Aug-2007
Pekka Nihtinen Distant Pagoda

Visions of China - an ancient pagoda seen from Baoguo temple at Mount Tiantai in Zhejiang. Summer monsoon rains (a.k.a. "yellow plum rains") were about to begin and water was pouring from the sky the whole day. A good reason to own E-3:) Weather didnīt disturb a bit my photographying and I managed to get some of my best photos during the whole trip - in rain.

Common area 08-Jul-2009
Courtney Chaos Distorted

A silly sort of mood.

Self Portraits 30-Oct-2004
Dave Hall Disused Quarry, Lake District, UK. David's landscapes. 15-Apr-2006
Christopher Ashworth Dive Dive Dive!

A high speed sequence of shots with E3.

Common area 13-Sep-2008
Brenda Tate Dive in! Brenda's Backyard 03-Oct-2008
Dirk Guttmann Diving spot in Croatia Sky & Water Dirk 24-Oct-2005
Sergey Green Do catch me now, ..

I think this is one of my favorites with E500 so far, - Sergey

sngreen 12-Dec-2005
Kerland Elder Do I Know You? rasputtin 18-Jun-2005
Fonzy - Do I miss one....! My Birds 2005 15-Jun-2005