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juliette gribnau Dianthus armeria

A very rare ( and protected) species in my country. "Rode Lijst" means : this species is protected by Law

Flowers-Bloemen 08-Aug-2014
Dave Hamlin Did He Get It

This Great Blue Heron makes a dive for a fish.

0- Maine, USA by Dave Hamlin 11-Oct-2007
Fonzy - Did he see me or not...... My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 12-Aug-2005
Fonzy - Did I wake you up..... Last night before I went to bed I look out the window and saw this little fellow sleeping in a tree.
To bad a few buds are in front of this bird , but I liked it anyway.
Hope you to.......
My Birds 2006 07-Apr-2006
salvador atance Dieselpunks-89

Multitudinary models session, punk style.

satance 14-Aug-2013
Torvald Bie Diet change

It must be a hint. I think that my cat want fresh food.

North of the Arctic Circle 01-Aug-2005
Sergio Di Giovanni Some photos 22-Jan-2006
Hans Gerlich Difference H Gerlich 03-Mar-2011
Fonzy - Different Style My-Miscellaneous 15-Aug-2007
Jens Birch Digging the Burrows The puffin (Fratercula arctica) really reminds me of the "hobbits" in the Lord of the Ring. They appear to be very polite towards each other and they find a mate with which they stick for their entire life. As if that wasn't enough, they even live in under ground burrows - just like hobbits!

This one is taking a rest in its work of building a better home for its family. Maybe the digging is the reason for them to have such a beak?

As my other puffin, this one is taken at Latrabjarg in Iceland which is the largest bird cliff in the North Atlantic, hosting about 1 million seabirds.

Cheers, Jens.
Jens' Wildlife 14-Sep-2005