The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Dave Hall Day 12. Magpie One a day. 24-Dec-2019
Dave Hall Day 13 Geranium One a day. 24-Dec-2019
Dave Hall Day 14. Henry One a day. 26-Dec-2019
Dave Hall day 15 Mallard and chick One a day. 26-Dec-2019
Dave Hall Day 16. Craft fair

My table at the craft fair

One a day. 27-Dec-2019
Dave Hall Day 17 Lone smoker One a day. 27-Dec-2019
Dave Hall Day 18. Garden bird One a day. 27-Dec-2019
Dave Hall Day 19. Red leaves One a day. 27-Dec-2019
Dave Hall Day 2.Dunnock

Little brown job, Dunnock in my garden.

One a day. 17-Dec-2019
Dave Hall Day 20. Seed head One a day. 27-Dec-2019