The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Neil Macleod Cypress Hills Conglomerate Cliffs (2) Landscape_1 11-Oct-2009
Neil Macleod Cypress Hills Vineyard Old Homestead Architechture_1 10-Oct-2009
Neil Macleod Cypress Hills Vineyard Old Homestead Barn Architechture_1 09-Oct-2009
dee vee Cypresses

Daly City

The Bay Area 01-Nov-2013
dee vee Cypresses (2)

Daly City

The Bay Area 13-Dec-2013
Mike PADLEY Cyprus Sunrise

Sunrise in Cyprus from Larnaca. But it does look more like a sunset!

My Landscapes 02-Nov-2005
david hodges cyrus eaton thinkers lodge

cyrus eaton thinkers lodge in Pugwash .Nova Scotia. this is where world leaders and scientists gather to discuss ways to attain disarmament and world peace.

dave's pics 06-Jul-2007
Czaldy Garrote d'Beach

one lazy sunday afternoon off the coast of Sta. Maria!

filipinas 06-Oct-2010
Louis Fry D-fly

Everyone has a dragonfly photo. Here's mine.

Louis Fry 29-Jun-2012
Peter Papoulakos D.C. Memorial Columns

Columns in D.C. I was with out with my fiance and I attached my camera to my tripod and extended it to its full and held it over my head while my fiance clicked my remote to take the picture.

VA Pete's 28-Feb-2007