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Juan Salvatierra Cordoba corner

As you walk along a street in Cordoba, Spain, a small square opens on the wall.

JSC 20-Feb-2006
Ingrid Matschke Corella in the sun

One of the cheeky buggers up close.

Ingrid Matschke 19-Apr-2007
Ingrid Matschke Corellas in flight

These are Australian Corellas which were living in a park/trees in a town near here. They were everywhere, like a white carpet on the ground.

Ingrid Matschke 19-Apr-2007
juliette gribnau Coreus marginatus; zuringwants


my macro's 03-Aug-2014
Dave Hall Corfe Castle. David's landscapes. 07-Jan-2012
Filaretos Doukas Corfu city

Part of the old City of Corfu,(Kerkyra).

1PicsFromGreece 22-Jan-2007
Filaretos Doukas Corfu city 1864 1PicsFromGreece 04-Aug-2007
Filaretos Doukas Corfu,the fortress 1PicsFromGreece 31-Mar-2007
Dido Mihajlov Corida Madrid 28-Mar-2007
Greg Mennegar Corina e-620 19-Jan-2010