The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
juliette gribnau Coccinelle Hieroglyphica

a very tiny critter, only 3 millimeters in size

my macro's 21-Jul-2014
Kiffin Miller Cochlospermum Fraseri

This plant loses its leaves during the dry season then out come these bright yellow flowers

Kiffin Miller 05-Aug-2007
cockatoo SAMLEE 18-Jul-2006
Denny Giacobe Cocktail Time

36" softbox, 24 umbrella

DennyG 16-Dec-2007
Denny Giacobe Cocktail Time2 DennyG 17-Dec-2007
Jim Padget Coconut lamp and hands

While spending time on Savaii island with an elderly Samoan friend, the electricity went off. She wasn't bothered - just made a lamp from a coconut in the traditional way. The wick is made from a piece of coconut frond with some cloth wound around it. The lamp runs on coconut oil - clean burning and pleasant smelling. Our friend is sitting in the traditional way, cross-legged on a hand-woven mat.

J & J-A's photos 07-Dec-2010
coconuts sunset Mono Landscapes 06-Jul-2006
Hans Gerlich Coenagrion H Gerlich 04-Jun-2006
Daniel Bell Coffee & Cigarettes Small World 30-Jan-2008
Ricardo Rico Coffee break Ricardo R. Rico 03-Jun-2006