The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
daniel pedriza collado carrots foto denuncia 16-Sep-2005
Pekka Nihtinen Carrying the weight of years

Portraits are rarely seen on this site and itīs definitely not the field of photography that I feel myself most comfortable at but neverthless I decided to post this photo since I feel thereīs some kind of human message in it.

Common area 25-Oct-2007
Denny Giacobe CarShow

Shot At A Local Car Show Over The Weekend.

DennyG 05-Oct-2009
Rina Kupfer Cartier Bridge Rina's 15-Apr-2008
Eben Gay Carving Curl

I am making a baidarka (west coast US Aleutian kayak). Carving away wood to lighten the stern block that will secure the ends of the gunwales I had to stop to take pictures of the curls coming off the chisel. This is with an E-M5 and the kit 12-50mm lens on macro setting.

Photos 18-Aug-2016
Donald Bryant cascade

miniature waterfalls

Textures 10-Aug-2006
Jens Birch Cascade

Yea! The E-1 still going strong!

Without >5 fps one just have to push the button at the right moment. Easier said than done but not impossible with some excercise.

As in the other shot "Splash", all three AF points were engaged in C-AF but the exposure was set manually in advance in order to not let the masses of water fool the meter.


Cheers, Jens.

Jens' Action shots 12-Sep-2006
Arthur Wright Cascades

Mele Cascade Efate Island

Arthur Wright 19-Sep-2008
Margo Harrison Cascading White

A trio of flowers from the rose Cascading White

My Roses 21-Jan-2006
Lee W Cascate Falls

at Orcas Island

Lee's Collections 05-Sep-2008