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Author Title Folder Created
Donald Bryant bullrushes

reeds and waves

Shapes 04-Jun-2006
Mike Bywater Bulrushes Mike Bywater's Pics 28-Mar-2012
Christopher Ashworth Bumble

A macro of a bee in the bushes in our front yard

Common area 16-Jul-2006
Fonzy - Bumble Bee

He must be thirsty....

My Macro 2006 05-Jun-2005
Bruno Nardin Bumble Bee BNMacro 08-Sep-2006
Fonzy - Bumble Bee (2)

After following the Bumble Bee for several day's I finally made an acceptable picture.

My Macro 2006 08-Jun-2005
Fonzy - Bumble Bee (3)

Yesterday I bought a standard 50mm 1.4 OM lens thru the internet , connected to my E-1 with OM adapter plus 1.4 teleconverter I came to this result.

My Macro 2006 26-Jun-2005
Fonzy - Bumble Bee (4) My Insects 2006 10-Jul-2006
Fonzy - Bumble Bee (5) My Insects 2006 18-Aug-2006
Fonzy - Bumble Bee (6)

Today I tried to get a Bumble Bee in flight .......... Sigma 150mm Macro lens+1.4 Teleconverter+EX25 Tube In this combination I can not see the aperture settings and don't know in witch aperture I'm shooting .... Any TIPS are welcome

My E-510 24-Jul-2007