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Author Title Folder Created
duncan mackie winter katkin owl's images 16-Feb-2007
Ricardo Rico winter landscape Ricardo R. Rico 24-Mar-2007
Ricardo Rico Winter landscape correct Ricardo 05-Apr-2007
Kim Willer Winter late afternoon.. Kim's photo 22-Feb-2006
Randall Beaudin Winter Market

Taken with IR-300. Nice little tool, that's always handy!

RanD'Art 09-Jan-2008
Barry Vreyens Winter Moon Rise Barry's 21-Jan-2008
Pekka Nihtinen Winter Morning

For some reason in this north sunrises in winter mornings are often much more colourful than in summer.

Common area 18-Feb-2013
Katrina Adams Winter Morning Alaskan Images 10-Mar-2007
Pekka Nihtinen Winter Morning by the Gulf of Finland 1

Early January morning on an island near Helsinki on the Gulf of Finland.

Common area 07-Feb-2009
Pekka Nihtinen Winter Morning by the Gulf of Finland 2

A mysterious light mist rises from the waters due to big difference in water and air temperatures - sea about +1C and air -17C.

Common area 07-Feb-2009