The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Randall Beaudin Water Lilys 1 Common area 24-Dec-2004
Pedro Afonso Water moments Pedro Afonso & E500 24-Apr-2006
Pedro Afonso Water movement Pedro Afonso & E500 25-Feb-2008
Pedro Afonso Water movement (2) Pedro Afonso & E500 15-Mar-2008
Pedro Afonso Water movements I Pedro Afonso & E500 08-May-2006
Pedro Afonso Water movements II Pedro Afonso & E500 09-May-2006
Pedro Afonso Water movements III B&W

without an external Flash the results looks good!

Pedro Afonso & E500 09-May-2006
Eben Gay Water on goose feather

Macro photo of water droplets on a goose feather with the afterfeathers above. Taken with an OM-D E-M5 and an Olympus 12-50mm lens in macro mode.

Fotos 27-Jul-2014
Eben Gay Water on goose feathre - 2

Water on a goose feather. Taken with an OM-D E-M5 with the kit 12-50mm lens in macro mode.

Fotos 27-Jul-2014
Carli Fronius Water on Grass CarliJayne 08-May-2010