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Author Title Folder Created
Carlos Armas swan E410-casa 22-Dec-2007
David Johnson Swan

This swan is a mascot of sorts at a local winery. It's feathers are clipped so it can't take off, but it still tries to fly. The wings look like the whites are blown out, but they're not. It's motion blur.

dwj pics 24-Sep-2010
Peter Redey Swan

Dancing swan 2012 in Nové Zámky

Locksley Picture Gallery 19-Feb-2012
Fonzy - Swan (2)

To finish the Swan shooting I had one left.

My Birds 2005 08-May-2005
Fonzy - Swan (3) I was fascinated how the water react when the Swan dipped his head down.
My Birds 2006 06-Jan-2006
Fonzy - Swan (4) In contrast to the Dead Swan from Ole, here the beauty of a Swan healthy and alive.
He just finished mating, went back in to the water and had a good stretch.
My Birds 2006 11-Feb-2006
Fonzy - Swan (male)

Just an other Swan picture I shot today....

My Birds 2006 29-Mar-2006
Arnold Schenkel Swan 1 Schenkel 30-Jan-2006
Hans Gerlich Swan 1 H Gerlich 15-Jul-2006
kirsty bushell swan 1 Common area 03-Feb-2007