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Author Title Folder Created
Torvald Bie Still Winter

March with cold haze and some sleet in the air. It is still some time before the winter will release it grip.

North of the Arctic Circle 18-Mar-2007
dee vee Stilletos

Mobius Arch

Eastern Sierra 07-Nov-2013
Torvald Bie Stillness North of the Arctic Circle 08-Jun-2007
Igor Popovic Stiniva Igor Popovic 15-Jun-2005
Igor Popovic Stiniva 2 Igor Popovic 16-Jun-2005
Ken Thomas Stink Bug on Dandelion Seed Head

This may be a Stink Bug Nymph. There are others who will correct me. Non SWD 50-200 with EX-25 and MMF-3

Ken's Images 09-Jun-2015
Eben Gay Stitch fish-eye

Fish-eye image stitched from 11 14mm images with MS Image Composite Editor

Photos 28-May-2016
Hans Gerlich Stock Dove H Gerlich 26-May-2007
Bruce Thomas Stoic towers of pain... Bruce Thomas 17-Oct-2009
Wim Westerhof Stokstaartje Animals 01-Jan-2006