The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Neil Macleod Starling Birds_1 05-May-2009
Fonzy - Starling (2) My Birds 2006 05-Dec-2006
Wim Westerhof Starling (2) Animals 01-Feb-2009
Fonzy - Starling (3) My Birds 2007 03-Mar-2007
Wim Westerhof Starling (3) Birds_1 25-Dec-2009
Fonzy - STARLING (4) 2010 30-May-2010
Fonzy - STARLING (5)

Camera E5 , it's not on the list yet so I market the E3

E5-2010 25-Nov-2010
Fonzy - Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)

Finally we had some good weather today and the light was perfect. I was able to shoot a few bird pictures again.. The first one A Starling , always hungry and churching for food.

My Birds 2006 18-Feb-2006
Fonzy - Starling (Sturnus-vulgaris) When the shutter from the camera made the click noise from the shot just before this one the bird looked at me .
Than I made this shot and had eye-contact with the bird.
My Birds 2006 03-Feb-2006
Dave Hall Starling feeding.

One of three reasonable (?) out of 90 shots in my back garden.

Dave Hall's bird photographs. 28-May-2005