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Anthony Cummings Spitfire 3

Pretty! or what!

Tony's vintage cars 16-Sep-2007
Anthony Cummings Spitfire PR XIX Tony's vintage cars 21-Sep-2007
Anthony Cummings Spitfire spinner

Occasionally a photo I take is OK :)

Tony's vintage cars 23-Sep-2007
Anthony Cummings Spitfire Spinner 2

Fitted to the two seat Mk9 Spitfire.

Tony's vintage cars 23-Sep-2007
Jason Tan Splash 007 28-Sep-2005
Pedro Afonso Splash Pedro Afonso & E500 10-May-2006
Jamzuri Ammir Splash The Trial 23-Jun-2008
Hans Gerlich Splash H Gerlich 31-Oct-2010
Eben Gay Splash

Fountain splash, OM-D E-M1, Olympus 14-150mm @120mm, f/8, 1/20th, ISO-100

Photos 22-Nov-2015
Jens Birch Splash - Move ON!

Johan Lundin and his horse Major Tom landing in the water trench after jumping the obstacle during the Nordic Cup in Eventing in Link?ping. Sweden in August 2003. The picture was taken with a C5050 and a Raynox DCR 1850 PRO teleconverter at 1/1000 second with HI-drive and manually preset focus. As the scene was backlit by the sun, I had to over expose by 1 stop in order to capture details of the horse and rider.

Jens' Action shots 04-Nov-2004